My Most Memorable Flight – December 13, 1943

My Most Memorable Flight – December 13, 1943

Daybreak on the 13th of December 1943 was crisp and cool, and no clouds in the sky, but a high level haze cut the visibility down appreciably. The 89th squadron was assigned patrol duty for the”Hump Route” that day, and some interdiction missions as well. One of the...
XXI MYITKYINA – October 1944

XXI MYITKYINA – October 1944

XXI MYITKYINA October 1944 Organizational Changes: The end of the month brought the announcement of of the division of the C.B.I. theater into two separate theaters, the India – Burma theater and the China theater. At the same time it was announced that General...
XX	MYITKYINA  –  September 1944

XX MYITKYINA – September 1944

XX MYITKYINA – September 1944 1. Organizational changes: Officer strength of the squadron was 61 and it’s enlisted strength 260 at the end of the month. The transfer of Lt. Shepherd to the 88th Fighter squadron and of S/Sgt. Wimberly to Group Headquarters was...
XIX Nagaghuli & Dmrgaon 				August 1944

XIX Nagaghuli & Dmrgaon August 1944

XIX Nagaghuli & Dmrgaon August 1944 1. Organizational changes: Officer strength of the squadron decreased during the month from 64 to 62. Reflected in this change was the return to the states of 1st Lts. Amick, Bell, Tracy, Nall and Hartswick and the regrettable...