
My Most Memorable Flight – December 13, 1943
Daybreak on the 13th of December 1943 was crisp and cool, and no clouds in the sky, but a high level haze cut the visibility down…

Enter the Dragons – December 1, 1943 Burma Banshees
November would find the JAAF doubling it’s fighter presence in the area to over 50 fighters. On December 1, 1943 the combined Japanese…

XXI MYITKYINA – October 1944
XXI MYITKYINA October 1944 Organizational Changes: The end of the month brought the announcement of of the division of the C.B.I. theater…

“Matool” is Lost October 1, 1944 – The Burma Banshee Archives
Lt. John Matulavicz was a member of the 89th Fighter Squadron, the Burma Banshees. He flew over 100 missions and was awarded the…

XX MYITKYINA – September 1944
XX MYITKYINA – September 1944 1. Organizational changes: Officer strength of the squadron was 61 and it’s enlisted strength 260 at the…

XIX Nagaghuli & Dmrgaon August 1944
XIX Nagaghuli & Dmrgaon August 1944 1. Organizational changes: Officer strength of the squadron decreased during the month from 64 to 62….

XVIII. NAGAGHULI & MOKELBARI – July 1944 1. Organizational Changes:: During the month officer strength of the squadron increased During…

Ok Kid! – Leonardtown Hero, WWII Ace Walter Duke -Lost June 6, 1944- 459th FS Burma Banshees
“‘O-K Kid.’ That was the last I heard from him.” – Lieutenant Baumeister “Today has been the worst day in the short history of the…

XVII NAGAGHULI & MOKELBARI June 1944 1. Organizational Changes: – During the month officer strength of the Squadron increased from 50 to…

In Memoriam – Eightieth Fighter Group – The Burma Banshees
It does not take a war-nor a sudden turning point- nor a critical moment to determine a course of action…courage and sacrifice were…
This is a war of extermination.
Adolf Hitler

Col. Sydney D. Grubbs (Rosie) entered the service during World War II. By 1941, he was one of the youngest generals in any of the U.S. branches of service. He served as the secretary/organizer of 32 months in the China-Burma-India theaters of operations with the 10th and 14th Air Forces. He was a decorated command fighter pilot, having flown 85 missions in WWII.
In honor of all the WW II war heroes
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